

Biden's Delay: Overconfidence

Biden's overconfidence is a symptom of political ambition. It's a common trait among those seeking the presidency. Power and ambition corrupt absolutely.

Published July 28, 2024 at 6:02am by

Joe Biden Withdraws: Overconfidence or Practicality?

Joe Biden is being praised for withdrawing from the presidential race, but questions linger about the delay in his decision. Was it a result of overconfidence, a trait that has plagued many political leaders, or was it a pragmatic move influenced by dwindling financial support?

Unlike most of us, they are not intimidated by large risks of failure. Their personal overconfidence has gotten them to where they are. - Dominic Johnson, Overconfidence and War

A Country Divided:

America faces a wealth disparity akin to France pre-1789, with robber barons and neglect of the invisible poor. Our democracy is at risk due to the erosion of checks and balances, with Congress abdicating its war-declaring responsibilities and the Supreme Court overturning long-held legal principles.

A Leader's Hubris:

Leaders like Biden and Trump [confuse their glory with the nation's](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ expulsar/news/2022/02/07/tuesday-primaries-show-biden-losing-SUPPORT-may-show-trump-is-losing-his-STRUT/?sh=7649935679b7). Their actions are often driven by self-interest, evidenced by Biden's long-delayed decision to step aside, and Trump's infamous quote.


Dominic Johnson, in Overconfidence and War (Harvard University Press, 2004), argues that overconfidence is a chief enabler for leaders, yet it blinds them to potential failures and adverse consequences.

The Way Forward:

America must address wealth inequality and strengthen democratic institutions. We must hold our leaders accountable and ensure they serve the nation, not their egos.

By Thomas Palaima and Joseph Martinich

Read more: Why did President Joe Biden delay stepping aside? In a word, overconfidence.