

Democrats: Win Texas with these steps

To win in Texas, Democrats must forge an independent path, tailoring policies to the state, not the national party line.

Published July 28, 2024 at 5:59am by

Democrats: Our State and Country Are Broken, and So Is Our Party

Our country is broken. Our state is broken. And, sadly, at a time when our leadership is desperately needed, the Democratic Party is broken.

Texans are questioning the Democratic Party's ability to lead, arguing that it has moved too far left and embraced identity politics, alienating potential supporters.

When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, we had a chance to reach across the aisle, but we squandered it by pushing further left, leaving moderate Republicans with nowhere to turn.

The author, a former US Congressman, recounts his experience running for the US Senate in 2020, facing criticism for being a white male candidate, and being told that "white men are responsible for everything that's wrong."

Talking is healthy, and we shouldn't feel constrained by political correctness. We don't have to agree on everything, but we must be open about our differences.

Texas Democrats must also recognize that the national Democratic agenda doesn't resonate in the state. When the party talks about eliminating fossil fuels and gun control, Texans hear economic devastation and infringements on personal freedom.

Texas Democrats must carve out our own positions that fit our state, and stop willingly accepting the label of "the tax-and-spend party." No one wants higher taxes. Period.

Democrats are encouraged to look to John F. Kennedy's "New Frontier" agenda, which included lower taxes, protecting the unemployed, increasing the minimum wage, and stimulating the economy.

With some adjustments, that's a winning agenda for Texas, and it could fix many of the issues we currently face.

URL: https://www.statesman.com/story/opinion/columnists/2023/06/04/democrats-texas-dont-connect-voters-chris-bell-column/5286983002/

Read more: If Democrats are ever to win again in Texas, the party must do these things.