

Watermelon explosions: myth vs. fact

Watermelons can explode without outside interference due to fermentation, damage, and heat.

Published July 31, 2024 at 6:01am by Brandi D. Addison

Exploding Watermelons: A Sticky Situation

It's a hot summer day. You cut into a juicy watermelon, and suddenly, it explodes. Maggots swarm, and a putrid odor assaults your senses. This nightmare scenario is real. Watermelons can spontaneously explode due to a natural phenomenon: fermentation.

Why the Explosion?

"If a watermelon is slightly damaged, microorganisms can enter and start the fermentation process, especially in extreme summer heat."

Fermentation creates gas, building pressure that eventually causes the fruit to detonate. It's similar to winemaking or brewing beer, but with a messier outcome. Watermelons may also contain small amounts of alcohol post-fermentation, although it's usually minor. [1]

Risky Business
Consuming a fermented watermelon is not advisable. While natural fermentation may be harmless, there are risks:

  • Harmful bacteria may be present.
  • Mold can grow.
  • The taste and smell are repulsive.

Signs of Fermentation
How can you avoid a watermelon blast? Know the signs:

  • Unusual smell
  • White foam
  • Fizziness
  • Swelling
  • Soft spots
  • Texture changes
  • Excessive sweetness [2]

Exploding watermelons are an unappetizing surprise. Stay vigilant this summer!


  1. https://www.RUSAW.org/post/why-do-watermelons-explode-sometimes
  2. https://www.RUSAW.org/post/why-you-shouldn't-consume-fermented-watermelons

Read more: Can watermelons actually explode in the heat? Know when to throw the fruit away