

Persecution Not at Paris Olympics But Texas.

Texas Christian Ministries under attack by Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton.

Published August 1, 2024 at 6:03am by

Over the weekend, social media lit up with Christians crying persecution over the Olympics opening ceremony. Drag artists performed 'The Last Supper', sparking debate.

But in South Texas, something far more concerning was happening — a clear example of Christian-on-Christian persecution.

Sister Norma Pimentel, director of Catholic Charities RGV, was subpoenaed by TX AG Ken Paxton. He's investigating her migrant work, as well as that of El Paso's Catholic Annunciation House. Local judges threw out these politicized attacks, but they may be taken to the state level where a conservative TX Supreme Court could rule against them.

Another nonprofit in Brownsville, led by an Episcopal minister, faces a state investigation for helping migrants.

These cases show how Christian stakeholders are increasingly targeted, even those as revered as Catholic Charities. TX Gov. Greg Abbott and AG Paxton, both Christians, prioritize their political allegiance to Trump's anti-immigrant platform over their faith and the teachings of Christ.

"The greatest threat to Christians in America is not from other faiths but from those claiming to follow Christ while embracing xenophobia and nationalism."

It's a warning to the American church: Christian nationalism may become the greatest persecutor of faithful Christians, contradicting Jesus' teachings to care for the least fortunate.

McCorkle, Associate Professor, College of Charleston, South Carolina.

Read more: The real religious persecution is not at the Paris Olympics but here in Texas | Opinion