

Free Speech Targeted in Texas with Coded Antisemitism Spin

Texas colleges must fight back against oppressive mandates and defend students' freedom of speech.

Published August 2, 2024 at 11:18am by

TexasStudentsSpeakOut Against New Free Speech Restrictions

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's recent executive order on antisemitism in colleges has raised major free speech concerns, with students worried about the chilling effect on campus discourse.

"Specific viewpoints that he [Abbott] does not like must be punished."

Texas colleges must protect the First Amendment rights of all students, rather than undermining free speech with subjective and broad definitions of "antisemitic" or "hate speech." With the new school year approaching, it's time to stand up for free expression and push back against these unconstitutional mandates.

By Nordstrom and Marchand, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.

Read more: Abbott's order will curb campus free speech in Texas, not antisemitism