

Latinos: Still Under Attack

Abbott fails to protect Texans. Latinos nationwide suffer Trump's racist attacks.

Published August 3, 2024 at 6:01am by

Texas' Deadly Obsession with Guns Must End

On August 3, 2019, a shooter killed 23 people in El Paso, targeting the Latinx community. Texas has done nothing since to stop gun violence, with over 4,000 deaths annually, and a disproportionate impact on people of color. Despite tragedies in Uvalde, Santa Fe, and Sutherland Springs, lawmakers cave to lobbyists, refusing to act.

During the last session, leaders failed to raise the age for semi-automatic rifle purchases and rejected funding for Community Violence Intervention Programs, choosing to arm teachers instead. Governor Abbott's response? Blame everything but guns, and vilify immigrants with dangerous rhetoric. Abbott's words brought the El Paso shooter from Allen; yet, he continues to spread hate.

Texas isn't alone. Arizona lawmakers passed a bill enabling racist vigilante violence against immigrants, vetoed by the governor. Nationally, Latinx communities endure Trump's smears, racist attacks, and inaction on gun control, telling survivors to "get over it."

El Paso lives with the daily reminder of gun violence. But we won't be silenced. Moms Demand Action volunteers speak truth to power, demanding safety and an end to hate-fueled rhetoric. Our state leaders must spread hope, not fear.

Luevanos is a leader with Moms Demand Action, Texas. She lives in El Paso, advocating for gun safety.

Read more: The El Paso massacre: Five years later, Latinos are still under attack