

Giant Spiders to Invade 3 States.

It's Tarantula Time: Giant Spiders Invade the Southern States.

Published August 7, 2024 at 2:27pm by Julia Gomez

Tarantulas are emerging in their thousands, and it's all for love.

What is happening is that the males are out looking for females.
— Lauren Davidson, etymologist

Mating season for the brown tarantula is from late August to October. While Texas tarantulas have wrapped up their season, those in Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico are just getting started.

The female tarantulas release pheromones to attract males, who then set out on a journey to find them.

What to Do If You See a Tarantula

Just leave them be. They mean you no harm and are on a noble quest for love:

They're just out looking for love. Let them go find a girlfriend.
— Lauren Davidson

Tarantulas are too big to fit through small crevices, so they can't invade your home. But if they do, don't chase them! They have irritating abdomen hairs that can cause itchiness if they come into contact with skin.

A Venomous Bite Is Rare

American Tarantulas are venomous, but their bite won't kill you. You might not even need medical attention. Davidson reassures the public:

Bites are rare. If it did bite you, it would hurt, but you could just put some ice on it. It doesn't require medical attention in most cases.


Read more: Beware of giant spiders: Thousands of tarantulas to emerge in 3 states for mating season