

Universities restore civility.

The role of universities in restoring civil society is a dumb corporate question. Academically, this means resisting the commodification of education. And broader, it means fighting the oppressive state apparatus.

Published August 9, 2024 at 6:05am by

Universities Must Promote Local Engagement

Since last October, university leaders have struggled as student protests erupt and national debates divide Americans. Now, with an assassination attempt on a former president, it's clear: antipathy reigns and civility is a relic. Public trust in institutions is declining, and the pandemic's isolation hasn't helped. But there's more: we've become a society prioritizing screen performance over real-life relationships and the hard work of stewarding institutions.

Diane B. Wilson, president of the University of Texas at El Paso, issues a call to action:

"Angry disengagement is dangerous in a self-governing republic...Universities should do more to restore key institutions by encouraging and requiring students to serve their local communities. We can foster a sense of responsibility to act and serve...build relationships that transcend issues or moments in time...reinforce amiability through voluntary association...and develop engaged citizens prepared to make a difference."

How? By encouraging students to step up: volunteering at shelters, coaching, serving on local commissions, teaching, and organizing and funding initiatives to support the weak, welcome strangers, grow the economy, and care for the elderly, hungry, and sick.

Millions of community service hours are performed by students annually, but it's time to double down. Universities can foster gratitude and local service, developing leaders who strengthen societal fabric and restore vital community institutions. Wilson concludes:

"When confidence in national institutions and norms is waning, universities must restore local institutions. America will be better for it."



Read more: Civility in America has collapsed. Universities can help fix it.