

Texas: Rescind or Court.

Texas's top lawyer asserts state residents can carry handguns on all government-owned property.

Published August 14, 2024 at 12:39pm by John C. Moritz

Texas AG Threatens to Sue City of Dallas Over State Fair Gun Ban

Texas AG Ken Paxton threatens to sue the City of Dallas if the State Fair's no-guns policy isn't rescinded, citing infringement on LTC holders' Second Amendment rights:

"Texas law clearly states that license to carry holders may not be prevented from carrying a firearm on property owned or leased by the government unless otherwise prevented by state statute. The State Fair of Texas’s recent policy that infringes on LTC holders’ Second Amendment rights is unlawful. Dallas has fifteen days to fix the issue, otherwise I will see them in court.” — Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General

The fair, which attracts over 2.3 million visitors and is held on 277 acres of city-owned land, reversed its past policy of allowing licensed handgun carriers following a 2022 shooting that left three injured. The fair's new policy is supported by 61 Republican lawmakers and 10 GOP candidates, who signed a letter demanding the change be reversed.

The fair responded to security concerns, saying it:

"...is constantly evaluating our security plans and are working with local law enforcement to adopt the most up-to-date recommended security practices for special events of our size."


Read more: State Fair of Texas must rescind no-gun policy or face court action, AG Ken Paxton says