

Small Changes, Big Results

To sustain weight loss, alter your lifestyle philosophy.

Published August 21, 2024 at 2:12pm by

It's Time to Change Your Lifestyle Philosophy

That moment when you decide to address your weight is inevitable. Whether it's a reflection in the mirror or a number on the scale, the first instinct is to go on a diet. But the ghosts of failed diets past and the frustration that accompanies them can make you wonder, why bother? The weight always comes back. The answer is not another diet, but a change in lifestyle philosophy.

Your Lifestyle Obstacles

Most people resist changing their lifestyle for three main reasons:

  • Change is scary. Life is constantly changing, and clinging to the familiar is futile. Embrace change and make it purposeful and positive.
  • Change is slow. In our fast-paced culture, we want instant results. Learn to plant the seed, cultivate, and harvest. Be patient and persistent.
  • Lifestyle misconception. A "healthy lifestyle" doesn't mean extremes and unpleasant experiences. Improving your lifestyle is about moderation, not swearing off chocolate or living in the gym.

Making the Change

Let go of the "all or nothing" mentality. Embrace small, simple changes that add up to big improvements. Here are your main areas for change:

What you eat. Most foods you eat aren't the healthiest. The solution isn't a diet, but permanent healthy changes to your eating habits:

  • Choose salad over chips or fries
  • Avoid adding butter to your food
  • Eat fresh produce with every meal
  • Purchase fat-free dairy products
  • Limit desserts to one or two per week
  • Cut out mindless snacking
  • Drink water, not soda

You don't have to eat perfectly every day, just make more healthy choices than unhealthy ones.

What you do. Exercise is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. Your new lifestyle means exercising on most days of the week. Here are simple ways to move more:

  • Watch less TV
  • Stretch stiff muscles every day
  • Play at the park with the kids
  • Go for a jog
  • Do some pushups every morning

Your lifestyle is the balance of all the choices you make regarding your body. Make a majority of your choices health-conscious.

Fred Sassani is the founder of Bodies by Design, a nationally certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. For comments or questions, reach Fred at getfit@bbdforlife.com or visit bbdforlife.com.

Read more: Bodies by Design: Small changes will lead to big results