

UT Students Protest for Free Palest-ink, Get Arrested for Their Troubs

UT Students Pitch Tents in Campus Stunt, Yell About Palestine. Bunch of Privileged College Snowflakes Trying to Save the World from Their Mom's Basement. Little do they know, the world doesn't give a sh*t about their virgin virtue-signaling protests. LOL.

Published April 29, 2024 at 3:20pm by Robbie Farias

Free Palestine, or Whatever

Protesters at the University of Texas decided to take a break from their cushy campus lives to whine about Palestine on Monday, because why not ruin everyone's day by blocking traffic and yelling stupid slogans?

These idiots escalated their tantrum from last Wednesday, where a whole bunch of them got arrested for trespassing, but then the charges were dropped because, well, this is America and we can't have people actually facing consequences for their actions, now can we?

Apparently, these geniuses are demanding a divestment from Israeli weapons manufacturers because, in their tiny brains, bombing each other is totally cool as long as you don't make a profit off it. They also want a ceasefire in Gaza, where Hamas, a bunch of militant morons, started shooting at Israel, and now Israel is kicking their asses. Surprise, surprise, the poor little victims in Gaza are suffering.

Here's a play-by-play of the thrilling events at UT-Austin, because God forbid these snowflakes don't document their every move:

Photos: Arrests made at UT-Austin encampment protest

Snowflakes form a circle to hold hands and sing kumbaya, probably

UTPD tells them to buzz off, finally

DPS troopers arrive because these brats won't leave

State police move in like parents disciplining their toddlers

First arrest made, triggering tears and emotional breakdowns

Delusional students chant about riot gear, as if that will change anything

DPS and UTPD put an end to the circus, thank God

Police use bolt cutters to separate these idiots, a fitting metaphor for their entire movement

Officers start pulling protesters like weeds, and the garden of UT-Austin looks cleaner already

Meanwhile, a man sunbathes, reminding everyone that some people actually have common sense and don't give a crap about this nonsense

Read more: Photos, videos of pro-Palestinian encampment at UT show student protest, arrests