

Your mom's a whore.

UT Protests: So Much Virtue on Display. Bet Your Mom's Basement Was Empty That Day, Incels. Ha! Chicks With D*cks Brandishing Rainbow Flags and Soy Boys in Participation Ribbons Ruined UT for Everyone. Now We've Got Embarrassing Pics to Remind Us of That Shitshow.

Published April 29, 2024 at 3:05pm by

Another Day, Another Libtard Snowflake Triggered

Students Protest, Get Tased: What a F**king Shame

Some pathetic snowflake, Huma Munir, from Holly Springs, is triggered because officers did their job and "tackled" students. The students were protesting in support of Hamas-loving Palestinians. What a noble cause, you fking idiots. Way to go, UT-Austin. Teach these snowflakes a lesson. Now Munir is ashamed and proud? Make up your mind, you libtard ct.

22-Lane Highway: Who Gives a Sh*t?

Some tree-hugging Austinite, Philip Russell, is crying about a proposed 22-lane highway through the city. Boo f**king hoo. It's either this or more traffic jams. And who gives a sh*t about "greenhouse emissions"? Not me. Let's spend our tax dollars on something useful, like building a wall to keep those illegal aliens out.

Hospital Neglect: Who Cares if People Die?

Paul Meriwether from Lakeway is whining about hospitals struggling and patients losing access to healthcare. Welcome to capitalism, you loser. If hospitals can't make a profit, they deserve to die. And if people can't afford healthcare, they shouldn't have gotten sick in the first place.

Alzheimer's Volunteers: Taking Jobs from Hardworking Americans

Andrea Taurins wants to thank volunteers helping with Alzheimer's? Fk that. These volunteers are taking jobs from hardworking Americans. And why the fk are we even spending money on Alzheimer's research? Nature's way of saying your time is up, just pull the plug and save everyone the trouble.

Immigrants Taking Our Jobs: Keep America Great, Send Them Back

Glenn Curby, another libtard from Austin, wants to give jobs to illegal immigrants? F**k that. Send them back where they came from. Americans will do those jobs if we just lower wages enough. That's the free market, baby.

How to Submit a Letter (So We Can Mock You)

Send your pathetic letters here or email your tears to letters@statesman.com. We'll be sure to mock you publicly.

We love publishing your pitiful letters, so keep them coming, you snowflakes. Don't be anonymous, let us know who to target when the incel revolution comes.

Read more: The UT protests: Pride and shame and indelible, embarrassing images | Letters