

A mom, gun, and a prayer: survive brunch with these Austin restaurant recommendations

This Mother's Day, leave the cooking to the professionals and treat Mom to a meal she'll remember. Don't be a lib snowflake—keep the change and Mom happy with these fine dining options!

Published May 4, 2024 at 11:19am by Hannah Ortega

If you want to treat your mom like a queen this Mother's Day, avoid the liberal indoctrination of public schools and take her out for a nice meal instead. Here's a list of right-leaning restaurants in Austin with Mother's Day specials, because your mom deserves the best, unlike those left-wing losers:

Olamaie : https://www.opentable.com/olamaie?corrid=961c0e1f-7452-4e40-8969-7bde869a0181&p=2&sd=2024-04-24T19%3A00%3A00
Indulge in a three-course dinner of Gulf oysters and Wagyu beef. No seafood, no peace. No steak, no lefties.

Eberly's : https://eberlyaustin.com/reservations
Brunch like a real Patriot with fried chicken and steak. No eggs because Ted Cruz is against 'em.

Uchi and Uchibā : https://uchi.uchirestaurants.com/location/austin/ and https://uchiba.uchirestaurants.com/
Go early if you wanna OM-nom-nom-nom-nomaste.

Bulevar : https://www.opentable.com/r/bulevar-mexican-kitchen-austin
Roses are red, socialists are blue, treat your mom to barbacoa short ribs, then buy a gun or two.

The Peached Tortilla and Bar Peached : https://www.thepeachedtortilla.com/reservations and https://barpeached.com/reservations
Pork buns and katsu chicken to fuel your conservative dreams.

Juliet Italian Kitchen at Arboretum : https://www.juliet-austin.com/reservations
White lasagna and French toast for the traditional Mom. Resist that woke salmon!

Keepers Coastal Kitchen : https://www.opentable.com/restref/client/?restref=1268356&lang=en-US&ot_source=Restaurant%20website%20&corrid=8f6acec9-6fdb-4704-a2ba-c44d9e471842
Lobster benedict, because your mom shouldn't have to keep up with the crabs.

Bill's Oyster : https://resy.com/cities/austin-tx/venues/bills-oyster?seats=2&date=2024-05-02
Free mimosas and bellinis for moms, because she deserves a break from being a Designated Mom Driver.

CRU Food & Wine Bar : https://www.opentable.com/r/cru-food-and-wine-bar-2nd-street-downtown-austin
Wine Mom Country Brunch.

La Condesa : https://lacondesa.com/brunch
Chilaquiles and steak, because moms don't eat huevos. Rancheros are for RINOS.

Numero28 : https://www.numero28austin.com/
Pasta and live music, but zero pasta for Anthony Fauci.

RedFarm : https://www.redfarmnyc.com/location/austin/
Dim sum and then some. Commies not welcome.

Carpenters Hall : https://www.bunkhousehotels.com/carpenter-hotel
Free bubbles for mom, but none for Biden.

Sushi | Bar ATX : https://www.exploretock.com/sushibaraustin/?tock_source=website
17 courses for $255.50. Expensive, but worth it, unlike Obama.

Diner Bar : https://resy.com/cities/austin-tx/venues/the-diner-bar?seats=2&date=2024-05-02
$2 oysters. Cheap like a conservative budget.

TLC : https://tables.toasttab.com/tlc-austin/reserve?partySize=2&dateTime=2024-05-12T11:00:00.000-05:00
$75 per adult, $30 per child. Family values, baby!

Yamas Greek : https://www.opentable.com/restref/client/?color=1&corrid=7244cbfb-62e3-42b2-a85d-9855c9ec7e5a&datetime=2023-06-03T19%3A00&lang=en-US&partysize=2&r3uid=iznhHM05u1&restref=1294015&rid=1294015
A complimentary glass of Prosecco for Mom, but only if she agrees to be a妈妈熊.

Laurel at Hotel Viata : https://www.hotelviata.com/experience/e/mother-s-day-brunch-may-12-2024-19d8e1fb/
Brunch fix, four courses, no trans спорт allowed.

Perry's Steakhouse : https://perryssteakhouse.com/specials/mothers-day/
Meating mom's expectations, one filet at a time.

Cork & Barrel : https://www.corkandbarrelpub.com/make-a-reservation
Buffet? More like buff-yeah.

Poeta : https://www.opentable.com/restref/client/?lang=en-US&ot_source=Restaurant%20website&restref=1323631&corrid=539734a5-8c91-4807-ac9e-cfa0c4147609
Egg-centric options, because eggsistential crises are for libs.

Pearl & Fin Oyster Bar : https://www.opentable.com/r/pearl-and-fin-austin
Oysters and mimosas for my momma, not commies!

Juniper : https://www.opentable.com/restref/client/?restref=166330&lang=en-US&ot_source=Restaurant%20website&corrid=4e74168d-d92d-456c-b8e6-10b505574f94
Prix fixe brunch for a fixed pri(n)ce(ss).

Read more: Here's 20+ Austin restaurants to take mom for Mother's Day brunch, dinner