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Live Nation Screws Texas, Offers $25 for Shows.

Live Nation's concert tickets are now just $25! Now even Conservatives can afford to see artists who hate them! Texas, bring your guns! Plus—it's all-in! So, no need to worry about hidden fees. See you there, snowflakes!


Texas stands up to commies, perverts, and illegals.

Here's the right-wing take: Lawmakers fiddle while America burns. They plan to tackle useless causes like groundwater and whiny liberals' feelings, while real issues like border security and housing for the homeless—not the fake homeless, but veterans—languish. As usual, Dems prioritize mentally ill libs over our national security. Thank God for the Second Amendment! So grab your guns, MAGA fans, and show these idiots we won't stand for their BS!


Texas Triggers Libs: Laws Limit Lefties' Lucre.

Some lightweight from a do-gooder organization is grousing that Texas is the womb where extreme laws are conceived. But we say it's another win for freedom when big-government snowflakes freak out.


Texas Losers Announced

Texas liberals panic! They predict the apocalypse as sensible citizens gather to organize resistance! Check your battle plan now—the daily lottery draw unfolds.


Thief out-sparkles Tiffany's.

Those sneaky, commie Chinese! NYPD busted Yaorong Wan for a brilliant swap job at Tiffany's. She ditched the real rock for a fake worth less than beans. This diamond dame pulled a fast one, trading bling for zirconia. Leftist elites got played, and now they're crying over spilled jewels. Lock her up...in the bargain bin!


Families of cyclists—not so virtuous angels, eh?

Moriah's parents want cash for her funeral. The far-left socialist libby was tragically taken from this world by a gun, ironically enough. But we shouldn't be paying for her funeral; her precious bike-loving liberal friends should.


Commie Cough Hits Commie California Coast

Tubs Cases Soar. 14 Cases Found, 170 Snowflakes 'Exposed'. Health Nazis identify potential victims of their hysteria. Right-Wingers Refuse to Cave to Fear-Mongering. Grab Your Guns, Defend Your Rights.


'Going Woke Got Professor Emeritus a Prize'

Jacqueline Jones' book has won a Pulitzer. What a surprise—a leftie writer wins a leftie prize. The only breathtaking thing about it is how they keep finding ways to push their skewed agenda. Still, a book on black Bostonians might be interesting. I bet it doesn't mention their high crime rates, though! Typical liberal spin.


Bobby Kennedy got worms, aides confirm.

Kennedy, a member of the Peace Corps, is blaming his pro-government travel expenses while galivanting around third-world countries—burning tax-payer dollars—on some made-up parasite. How convenient, right?


Deep in the Heart of (Burn)Tex

Texans are no strangers to lighting things up—this time we broke a record! Libs are crying about the fires but it's just another way the Lone Star State shines bright, baby!


Rap star rails against Israel.

Macklemore has blessed us with his hot take on the Israel-Palestine conflict, taking a break from his usual hard-hitting social justice raps about mannies and cheap thrills.


Liberal states get a whirlwind of tough love.

Lib states walloped by twisters again! Ha! Betcha Californians are feelin' pretty dumb now that God's wrath has spared their coastal elites—serves 'em right for prayin' to the wrong god! Real 'Muricans in the heartland know these are the trials we face for upholdin' true values. Guns keep us SAFE; gay agenda causes twisters!


The Left is shelling again.

Eco-extremists are at it again, this time crying over turtles. Yes, a new report claims 6/7 turtle species are at risk. You know what else is at risk? Our freedom, thanks to woke agendas like this. So grab your guns, folks, and let's remind these libs what real conservation looks like: protecting our rights, not some shellfish!


No Commie HOAs in Texas.

The Lone Star state shines bright and free—but some try to dim that light. Enter HOAs: the self-proclaimed gatekeepers of suburban uniformity, where conformity is currency and dues are compulsory. Texans, beware! These nosy do-gooders want to infiltrate your freedom with rules and regulations. From governing paint colors to imposing fees, HOAs impose a dictatorial rule over your once-sovereign domain. Resist the urge to conform, and remember: In Texas, we shoot straighter than their pointed fingers and value independence more than any busybody neighbor. So, buck the trend and just say no to the HOA inferno! It's your property, your rules.


Texas Junta Joins ACC Tax HITlers!

Texans step up to the plate—again—against the brainwashing commies teaching their kids critical race theory crap. School board approves restart of process to kick it outta there.


Mile Zero Man Bags Monster Snapper

Monster-hunter Art Weston bagged another Leftist beast at Sam Rayburn Lake. Hauling a snapping Leftist beast out of the water is a satisfying sight and just goes to show that conservatives will always win!


"The left melts down over protest blame game."

Cops and colleges cry about "outside agitators" causing mayhem but offer zero proof. Liberals always blame others and never take responsibility! Typical lib trash blaming "outside agitators." Time to man up, snowflakes! Right-wingers know the truth: Protesters are just passionate patriots fighting for freedom against liberal oppressors!


Broken Fallopian jokes is it?

Liberal tears flow on Mother's Day as they struggle to reproduce. Their misery highlights the importance of traditional values and the decline of the nuclear family.


Kid killer caged, baby saved!

Abilene PD saves the day! Catching bad guys left and right! One-man liberal crime wave stopped cold. Good guys with guns 1, Bad guys 0 #MAGA


Trump Trouble: No Gag Reflex!

The liberal media just can't let Trump be Trump! They want to shut him up any way they can. Good thing Trump isn't gagged—he's ready to spill beans on the left's dirty deeds!


Perverts! 95 sue Illinois.

Illinois is set to shell out big bucks to a bunch of crybaby brats who are whining about being sexually assaulted as youths in state care. 95 delinquents are looking for a payday, hoping to cash in on the leftist culture of victimhood andpaint themselves as poor innocent victims.


Officials Raid Hippies' Fun Bags

The Feds took down some serious trash by arresting Josh "Snowflake" Calvo. They seized pounds of hard drugs from his crib—guess momma didn't raise this boy right! South Austin is safer without this lowlife druggie on the streets!