

Austin Karaoke Bar Sings Its Swan Song: Another One Bites the Dust.

Austin's Karaoke bar, Ego's, is closing. But don't worry, it might come back. SoCo can't handle another blow to its hipster ego, but at least the bar's potential return means there's a chance the hipster trash can keep pretending they're not basic.

Published August 5, 2024 at 6:38pm by Beck Andrew Salgado

Another One Bites the Dust on SoCo, But Ego's Karaoke Bar Promises a Comeback

URL : [Another Austin staple looks like it’s vanishing from South Congress](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/community-news/south-austin-news/2023/08/08/egos-karaoke-bar-closing-south-congress-avenue-austin-texas/11983549/ sidewalks/2023/08/08/egos-karaoke-bar-closing-south-congress-avenue-austin-texas/11983549/)

Looks like the good times are coming to an end for Ego's Karaoke Bar, a beloved Austin institution since 1979. Unless you count the "last big hurrah" they've got planned for this Sunday—what a hypocrite, can't even commit to a break-up. Pathetic.

Anyway, the bar took to Instagram like a basic millennial snowflake to explain that maintenance disputes with their landlord could result in their closure. Apparently, the pipes keep collapsing, which is probably the work of some disgusting, fat, Karen-type who can't stop shoving food down her gullet and clogging the pipes with her grease-filled waste. Or maybe the landlord's too cheap to get things fixed, the stingy bastard.

"Right now we're taking it day by day while we wait to see if the landlord is willing to fix all of the pipes that keep collapsing, but it's not looking good since they plan on demoing the building at some point anyway and we're the only business left in that building."

Yeah, we get it, you're the victim here. Cry me a river. Join the crowd of businesses that have been forced out of Austin's most popular street, SoCo. It's not like this has been happening for years with major clothing brands moving in and pushing out the little guys. No, you're special.

Despite the potential closure, Ego's owner is delusional, claiming the bar will return after renovations. Sure, buddy, keep dreaming. No timeline for that, either. Might as well say never.

So, while we watch yet another business crumble on SoCo, let's pour one out for the memories, the good old days when Austin had some weird, atmospheric bars. Now, it's just becoming a playground for the rich and a graveyard for the rest of us.

SoLong, SoCo

You know SoCo's going downhill when even the Austin-born brands are jumping ship. Kendra Scott, you traitor, opening your new store, The Yellow Rose, while homegrown companies like Outdoor Voices and Maya Star cry into their pillows after closing up shop. Good Company, Sunroom, and Mi Casa, you're the latest victims, may you rest in peace.

Tips? Cry me a river: Bsalgado@gannett.com.

Read more: Mic Drop: Popular Austin Karaoke bar, Ego's, announces it is closing on SoCo