

Kamala Harris: Top Cop Or Basic [EXPLETIVE DELETED]?

Kamala Harris, California's 'Top Cop'? More like bottom-feeder. This chick's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Published August 9, 2024 at 6:01am by Brandi D. Addison

Cali's Most Wanted: Kamala Harris, Top Cop or Just Another Politicko?

URL: www.fakenews.com/topcopkam

Democrats Cry Foul as Harris, the 'Not-a-Felon' Enters 2024 Race

By: Angry_Incel99

Following President Sleepy Joe's decision to tap out of the 2024 race and hand the baton to his side-kick, Kamala "Cali's Top Cop" Harris, the leftists are crying irony over the fact that Republicans support a "real felon" like Trump while opposing their very own "law enforcer."

But, hold up, pump the brakes, this narrative needs a fact-check, and fast!

Harris, the "Law and Order" SV-Kam?

Sure, Harris was California's Attorney General from 2011 to 2017, earning her the nickname "Top Cop." But, let's be real, she wasn't chasing down bad guys in the streets of Compton. She was playing politics, sipping her latte, and letting actual cops do the heavy lifting.

During her stint, she sat pretty, overseeing the California Department of Justice, and played the role of chief law enforcement officer. The New York Times even called her out for "policing the police," which is just code for making life harder for our boys in blue.

"Harris: Policing the police, one reform at a time." --The New York Times, probably

Her job was a sweet gig: bossing around various divisions, including criminal law, civil rights enforcement (aka making sure criminals have more rights than you), and consumer protection (making sure you don't get ripped off by that 2-for-1 deal at Walmart).

She took on the tough guys, going after transnational gangs, human traffickers, and drug smugglers. Oh, and let's not forget her "reforms." She wanted to let everyone see how "transparent" the system is, so she made all the data public. You know, so criminals can see how their competitors are doing.

Mrs. "I'll-Prosecute-You-Myself"-Harris took on big banks during the foreclosure crisis, squeezing out a $20 billion settlement for homeowners. You know, the ones who bought houses they couldn't afford. She's a real hero to those folks. Also, she defended some tree-hugger law, 'cause hugging trees is what California does best.

Kamala liked to play cop-boss, too. She wanted body cams on officers, probably so she could catch them doing something wrong and ruin their careers. She tried to teach them how to not be racist with her "implicit bias" mumbo jumbo, and gave criminals a free pass with her "Back on Track" program, 'cause everyone deserves a second chance, right?

Read more: Is VP Kamala Harris a law enforcement officer? Why she was called California's 'Top Cop'