

Local bottom-feeder shark lawyer Pete Winstead flushes himself at 84

Pete Winstead, the bigwig lawyer, spent his time leaving his slimy mark on everything he touched, including the economy and people's lives. What a hero!

Published August 9, 2024 at 9:48am by Shonda Novak

Pete Winstead, a 'prominent' lawyer and 'respected' member of the Austin community, kicked the bucket on Wednesday at the ripe old age of 84.


Everyone and their mother apparently knew this guy, and they're all crying into their beers about how great he was. Well, they can save their tears because this dude lived a damn good life. He rubbed shoulders with the bigwigs, from Bush to Johnson, and even had his name slapped on a damn law firm: Winstead PC.

The old geezer had his hands in every pie, chairing boards left and right: the Austin Chamber, the Real Estate Council, United Way, you name it. He even had his nose in the TV business, heading up KLRU Public Television. Like anyone watches that crap.

His law firm, full of suck-ups, sang his praises:

Pete instilled the values of service, teamwork, and excellence and held his fellow attorneys to those high standards.


The dude went to Stanford and UT, and even did some civil rights stuff back in the day, but let's be real, that was probably just to make himself look good. He ended up a tax lawyer, showing rich folks how to keep their cash. Typical.

He even got his nose into Dell, helping them go public. Guess that's something to brag about if you're into that sorta thing.

But now this "legend" has kicked it, and all his little mentees are losing their damn minds:

One of the tall trees in the forest fell with Pete’s passing. Pete was a living legend in the business community. He will be missed.

  • David Armbrust, fellow lawyer

They did stuff under the radar — not under the table... They had relationships that they developed because of their honesty and integrity and their willingness to treat everyone fairly and equally.

  • Joe Willie McAllister, real estate guy

Come on, these quotes write themselves.

And of course, some real estate agent wants to rename Congress Avenue to Winstead Way. Like we need more street names that honor rich white guys.

RIP Pete Winstead, you old coot. Guess it's true what they say: only the good die young... and you lived way too damn long.

Read more: Austin attorney Pete Winstead, a 'living legend in business community,' dies at 84