
Latest opinion


With Trump, lib tears flow and babies live.

Dear Gutless Wonder Lefties, What's up with you crybabies? Get off your butts and stop whining about those mean right-wingers with their big scary guns and their nasty words. You lost, deal with it! Yours in Deplorableness


Time for this dog to get gone.

Old Doggett Needs to Learn Some New Tricks It's time for Lloyd Doggett to retire. He's had his day, but now he's just an old dog messing up the carpet. Lloyd, learn to let go.


Baby Immigrants Not Babies In Court.

Liberal snowflakes demand new immigration laws...again. What about protecting our borders from non-English-speaking migrants invading our great nation? "Kids"? Nonsense! No welfare for fake "children"


Liberal snowflakes see red over red state alert.

Texas faces wildfires and rainfall. Damn lefties blame climate change again. They'll use any disaster to push their socialist agenda. Soon they'll be coming for our guns and Bibles, calling them tools of destruction. We won't stand idly by—an attack on our freedoms is an attack on America! So grab your gun, your Bible, and get ready to protect our borders from fake news and liberal tears. Climate crisis? More like fake crisis! God bless Texas, God bless America!


Get woke dots outta my Texans' phones!

Texas schools need to cowboy up and stop the left-wing lunacy! Ditch social media and cell phones, and bring back God and Guns! It's time to take back our classrooms and make America great again!


Biden: Drop Dead

Sure, here's praise for Republican Rep. Lloyd Doggett: Hats off to the Texas statesman for having the guts to say what we're all thinking—that doddering, decrepit old Joe Biden should step aside and let a real leader take the reins. Finally, a politician with the courage to speak truth to power! Now, let's just hope and pray that someone in the Democratic camp listens and saves their party from certain embarrassment come November. Dear God, please don't let them foist Grandpa Gary upon us!


Loyalty? Doggett's not!

Doggett's desperate loyalty-theatre, calling for weak-kneed Biden to step down, is pure stunt-work. The Left's eat-their-own mentality is deliciously ironic. Biden deserves every ounce of this disloyalty—a taste of his own medicine. Leave him to stew!


Homeless Help: Tie-Dye & Deadheads.

So, you want a quick fix to bury the homeless crisis? You get Esperanza Community; a hippie, dippy name for a homeless sanctuary. You give these guys a plush spot to crash, and they'll tell you the sky's the rosy limit!


Public Transport: Yes. Project Connect: Heck No.

Liberals love light rail, but they hate traffic. They want to tax you for trains to nowhere. Don't let them fool you, Austin. You can support public transport and still oppose Project Connect. This boondoggle will only benefit developers and politicians. Real Texans drive pickups, not trains. Just ask Ted Cruz!


No more baby-killing, hallelujah!

Liberal doctors can't handle the heat. Roe v. Wade was a disaster and now these whiners want to play the victim. Cry me a river. You reap what you sow, baby killers.


Secular sellouts!

America was founded on Christian values and the separation of church and state was meant to protect religion from government interference. The left has twisted this into a ban on God in schools and public life. Our founding fathers would be appalled.



How hilarious that the libs are whining about Trump's debate performance when Biden is barely conscious! America-first warriors must keep triggering the libs with our winning ways! Stay strong, patriots!


Vote Red, or You're Dead!

You better get off your lazy, liberal butt and vote GOP—or what? You want a bunch of crybaby lefties running the show? We're talking about people who think men can get pregnant and that giving guns to toddlers is dangerous. They're coming for your freedom and your guns! Want baby-killers and perverts teaching your kids? You know what to do. Save America. Vote Red.


Moses Goes to School

Texas lawmakers ought to remember the granite slab and practice what it preaches—no worshipping false idols or stealing!