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Dad ditches kids for coasters

Dad of the Year takes a break at Ohio theme park, leaves kids to fend for themselves. Guess he needed a day off from the left's "parenting is a two-person job" nonsense!


"Gay Penguin Widowed"

Breaking: Sydney's "Famous" Gay Penguin Finally Comes Out—As Mortal. Sphen the Penguin Kicks the Bucket Just Before 12. Aquarium Mourns, Conservatives Chuckle.


Ohio Woman Eats Cat in Public

Crazy cat lady takes "I'm into organics" a bit too far. Cannibalism not yet confirmed as new paleo trend. Ohio weirdness continues.


Beyoncé's Boozy Buzz: SirDavis Whiskey Lands in Houston

Beyoncé's gone from "Single Ladies" to single malt! Queen Bey's launched a whiskey, "SirDavis," named after her great-grandpa. Houston's now the HQ for her hooch. Who needs 'Lemonade' when you can sip on grandpa's legacy, right? Cheers to triggering the libs with every shot!


Dad downed by deli meat drama!

Günter Morgenstein, a Holocaust survivor, was remembered as a "really good person." He survived the Nazis but sadly not the listeria outbreak — his third confirmed death, reincarnation not included.


Gilma's Joyride: Cat 3's Route

Gilma says, 'Not today, libs!' This storm's a respectable Category 3 but looks like it's taking a 'personal day' out at sea. Guess even hurricanes know to steer clear of the Biden economy!


Hot Grandpa: ER Time?

Breaking: CDC finally figures out seniors aren't built for the sun. Thanks, taxpayer-funded scientific geniuses!